If you have a child or young person aged between 0-25, who has additional and/or special education needs/Disabilities, then you need to know about the new SEND.
SEND Ranges & SEND Strategy
All schools including academies and special schools will be using the Ranges from September 2019. They are all getting training in how to use them. If you have a child with additional needs in Sunderland then you need to know about the Ranges.
SEND Ranges & SEND strategy Sunderland
We have updated the SEND Ranges Video to reflect the final document which became mandatory on 23rd September 2019.
The SEND Ranges
will provide a core framework for all professionals working with the pupil and will give greater clarity for parents, families and carers in terms of what their child’s needs are, and what each child is receiving.
are based on the best practice covered by the Children and Families Act
descriptors are based on national best practice in determining the needs of pupils with SEND.
are based on the four areas of the SEND Code Of Practice (2014/15).
are also based on the ‘golden thread; of the graduated approach of
have been co-produced between education and SEND colleagues in other LAs incorporating parent, carer and family views. They provide a helpful reference point in relation to identifying level of need, and will support children and young people with additional needs with consistency across schools.
Anne Hayward, a Specialist SEND partner, has put together some questions parent carers could ask when they meet school staff to talk about their children, and where they sit on the SEND Ranges. It is really important that parents and school staff have a positive discussion about the provision for the child and that everyone fully understands the needs of the child, the interventions that are required, the impact of those interventions and what parents can do at home to support the process.
Questions/Suggested areas of focus
Where is my child placed on the SEND Ranges? Are they in one area or in more than one?
What evidence have you to place them at this Range? Could you explain to me what this evidence means please?
Could you show me the interventions that have been put in place and why?
Have these interventions made any difference to my child? If not, why and if yes why too!!
How can I support my child at home? Can I have a section on the provision map please that shows what I am doing to support my child.
Could you please explain anything that I don’t understand like acronyms or abbreviations that I do not use?
What kind of progress is my child making? What are the next steps that you are going to put in place?
When are we going to next review my child?
What is my child saying about the interventions in place?
What other support does my child need – for example Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Educational Psychologist, Counselling, Mental Health Support?
Could you sign post me to any services that you think may be beneficial for me to support my child?
Does my child receive any additional funding apart from the notional school SEND funding?