Asset Management

Asset Management Policy


For grant reporting and insurance purposes, the Sunderland Parent Carer Forum (SPCF) keeps a record of equipment purchased and disposed of by the Management Committee.  We have a responsibility to manage and report on all assets as part of effective financial controls. All assets remain the property of SPCF.


This asset management policy provides the overall framework for the management of equipment from procurement to disposal. It defines roles and responsibilities that relate to the implementation of this policy.


This policy applies to all members of the SPCF who hold equipment purchased by the group.

Equipment is currently defined as:

  • All desktop and laptop PCs;
  • All monitors, printers and scanners;
  • All phones, mobile phones, smartphones and PDAs;
  • All tablets (android or IPad)
  • Any other item costing £50 or more.

Policy statement

The SPCF is committed to managing all equipment to meet financial and safeguarding guidelines. It expects all members to abide by this policy.  This policy shall be reviewed and updated as necessary, to ensure that remains appropriate and fit for purpose.

Roles and responsibilities

The SPCF Management Committee has overall responsibility for the implementation of this policy, and the recording and monitoring of assets

They will be responsible for

  • Entering Purchasing information on the asset register
  • Updating and maintaining the accuracy of the asset register (such as equipment moves);
  • Ensuring that equipment is signed for (without amendment) by equipment holders
  • Checking equipment is returned in the same configuration as expected
  • Care of equipment held in stock for issuing and awaiting transfer for disposal;
  • Note equipment disposed of within the asset management system.
  • Marking equipment as lost or stolen from the asset register
  • Equipment is disposed of in an appropriate manner, and where necessary, according to WEEE guidelines.

SPCF Members issued with equipment have the following responsibilities for the equipment in their care:

  • Loss or theft of equipment must be reported immediately to the SPCF Chair;
  • All equipment must be returned to the management team upon replacement, equipment redundancy (i.e. no longer required) or when the holder leaves the SPCF
  • Equipment holders will retain responsibility for equipment issued to them until it has been returned for redeployment or disposal;
  • Equipment holders are not permitted to transfer their responsibilities to another member of the SPCF without the consent of the Management Committee.
  • Equipment holders must present mobile assets such as laptops and mobile phones for auditing within 2 weeks of request.
  • Equipment may be presented for auditing at any time, but all equipment must be accounted for within a year of issuing or last being audited.
  • Return equipment immediately that is not operating normally to their support team.

Disposal of Assets

  • Any item which is deemed to be obsolete or damaged beyond repair and is not appropriate for sale may be written off by the Management Committee and should be recorded in the Inventory/Asset File.
  • Any item surplus to requirements which has a saleable value may be sold by the most appropriate means

To achieve the best possible price.  All income received from the proceeds of the sale of stock shall be

banked and recorded appropriately.

  • The Management Committee has sole responsibility for disposal of such items.

In the event of the group ceasing to exist, any assets will be disposed of as detailed in the constitution.