Preparing For Adulthood

Preparing For Adulthood (PFA)/ Transition to Adult services

What is Transition?  Something that starts in Year 9 is usually the stock answer!  Here we’ll share some useful links and documents that explain what is transition, what it should like and useful information in helping ensure that young people with SEND achieve paid employment, independent living, housing options, good health, friendships, relationships and community inclusion wherever possible.

The Care Act says that if a child, young carer or an adult caring for a child is likely to have needs when they, or the child they care for, turns 18, the local authority must assess them if it considers there is ‘significant benefit’ to the individual in doing so. This is regardless of whether the child or individual currently receives any services.  (Source SCIE)

Sunderland's guide and info on Preparing for adulthood/transition

Sunderland Multi-Agency Preparing For Adulthood Protocol and Pathway Document

How to apply for an Adult Needs Assessment in Sunderland

This supportive tool has been designed by the Department for Education (DfE) to promote consideration of the four PfA outcomes as part of EHC planning across the age range.

From Sheffield Parent Carer Forum, A guide for parents of young peoplewith Education, Health and Care Plans aged 14 to 25 years in mainstream and special education who are preparingfor adulthood.

Giving Everyone Equal Life chances as they move into Adulthood Funded by Department for Education (DfE), we provide expertise and support to local authorities and their partners to embed preparing for adulthood from the earliest years. We work to ensure that young people with SEND achieve paid employment, independent living, housing options, good health, friendships, relationships and community inclusion.

Transition to adulthood info from Mencap

The Social Care Insitute For Excellence (SCIE) has developed the following resources to help local authority staff, social workers, young people and carers to plan for the transition to adult care services:

This guideline covers the period before, during and after a young person moves from children's to adults' services. It aims to help young people and their carers have a better experience of transition by improving the way it’s planned and carried out. It covers both health and social care.

From Child to Adult: A guide to disability, transition and family finances from Working Families

Advice and information from Contact, for parents about the Personal Independence Payment (PIP), the benefit that replaces Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for people aged between 16 and state pension age.

Talking About Tomorrow is packed full of advice and information for parents whose child has reached teenage years and are starting to think about opportunities and support as they move into adulthood. Although it has been designed by and is aimed at parents in Scotland, there is a lot of general information on there that will be useful for parents of disabled young people across the UK - particularly around planning and support.